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  • NOW, SINGAPORE Vol 02.  〜FEMALE CREATORS〜  Asia’s top Singaporean talents.

On 11th April we will be opening our exhibition「NOW , SINGAPORE Vol 01.  〜MALE CREATORS〜 」. In continuation to that, starting from 16th May, Singapore’s Female Artists whom have participated actively in the world will come to showcase and sell their art works! Brought to you by the same curator, Kenny Leck; the owner of “Books Actually”— the hottest bookstore in Tiong Bahru. Please come down and join us with Singapore’s current popular art directors, musicians, embroidery female artists as they showcase their art works!

4月11日から開催の『NOW , SINGAPORE Vol 01.  〜MALE CREATORS〜 』に続き、5月16日からは、世界で活躍するシンガポールの女性アーティストの作品の展示・販売を行います。キュレーターは同じく、シンガポールカルチャーの中心的存在ともいえる書店「BooksActually」のオーナー・Kenny Leck氏。アートディレクターやミュージシャン、刺繍作家など、今最も注目されている女性アーティストたちの作品をぜひご覧ください。

*「NOW, SINGAPORE Vol 01, ~MALE CREATORS~」will exhibit from 11th April ~ 12th May.
※4月11日(土)〜5月12日(日)までは『NOW,SINGAPORE Vol 01.  〜MALE CREATORS〜 』を開催します。

Opening Reception
11 April (Male) 7.30pm, 16 May (Female) 7.30pm.


Kenny Leck/BooksActually Bookstore Owner
BooksActually is an independent bookstore specializing in Fiction and Literature. This includes antique/rare editions. It also houses the largest collection of Singapore literary publications including some out-of-print titles.

シンガポールで最もセンスあるBook Storeとして有名な、Tiong Bahruエリアに位置する“BooksActually”オーナー。フィクション、純文学などの書籍、アンティークや貴重な品も取り扱う。シンガポール版の希少なコレクションは有名。シンガポールのアートシーンにおいて、欠かせない人物。


April Lee/Kitchen. Label Musician, Artist
April Lee’s work spans across a range of disciplines from music, design and fashion. In 2005, April co-founded Kitchen. Label with Ricks Ang, a Singapore and Tokyo-based record label and creative studio. She is also a composer and vocalist for ambient folk duo ASPIDISTRAFLY.

アートディレクターであり、ミュージシャン。音楽、デザイン、ファッションと幅広い分野で活躍。2005年には、Rick Angと共に、シンガポールと東京を拠点とするレコードレーベル“Kitchen. Label”を創設。また、フォーク・デュオ“ASPIDISTRAFLY”の作曲家、ヴォーカリストとしても知られている。


Ong Ker Shing/Lekker Architects Architect
Lekker Architects was started by husband and wife Joshua and Ker-Shing Their approach explores geometry and typology, branching into furniture design and master planning. Joshua Comaroff is featured in the male artist exhibition.

“Lekker Architects”は、JoshuaとKer-Shing夫妻によりスタート。彼らのデザインは、ジオメトリー、人間 行動学など、様々な視点から、考察・アプローチを行い、マスタープランニングから家具のデザインまで多岐に及んでいる。男性展出展Joshua Comaroffのパートナー。


Clara Koh/Atelier HOKO Inter-design Artist, Educator
Clara is one half of the founders of HOKO. Some of their works to date includes
a publication called HABIT(c)AT. Their well-known publications also includes the Science of the Secondary series. Her partner, Alvin, is featured in the male artist exhibition.

HOKO ファウンダー。形あるもの無きものを独自の目線とアイデアで、リサーチした結果をグラフィカルにまとめた作品が非常に興味深い。代表著“HABIT(c)AT”(SingaporeのStreet Catがスペースに固執する生態と人間との関係をクローズアップ)等。男性展出展Alvin Hoパートナー。


Aiwei Foo/Artist
Aiwei was born in Borneo and moved to Singapore at the age of 18. First trained as a fine artist in Singapore then studied Fashion in Helsinki. Her art works have broad range such as books, accessories, photos etc.
She has been an arts practitioner for the past decade in SG, and has been involved in numerous group exhibitions.



Teresa Lim/Embroidery
Teresa graduated from Lasalle College of the Arts. Her personal design philosophy
is to fuse three of her interests together: Illustrations, Embroidery and surface pattern design. She has showcased her works in exhibitions and fashion shows in Singapore, Hong Kong, Bangkok and in Tokyo.

Lasalle College of the Arts在学中に刺繍と出会う。Singapore, Hong Kong, Bangkok, TOKYOで展示会を開催するなど刺繍アーティストとして活躍。 自身を表現するため、また未だ残る性差社会へ挑戦するためのツールとして、刺繍・イラストレーション・平面構成を融合させた作品を制作。


Nathalia Kasman/Galavant Magazine Magazine Creator
Nathalia is one half of the founder of Galavant Magazine. Galavant aims to initiate collaborations between multiple artists, cultivating a collection of works that respond to each other as parts of a larger whole.

シンガポールをベースに活躍する“Galavant Magazine”の創刊者。毎号、様々なアーティストとのコラボレーションを行うことで注目されていて、アーティストとの化学反応によって、大きなムーブメントを生み出す展開を目指している。国内外で注目されるクリエイターのひとり。


Steph Kong/Artist
Steph is currently exploring themes of excavation and restoration. Her works on paper adopt somewhat sculptural forms, and are a representation of how archival material is remixed, processed and analysed. It feels like time is manipulated in a small way, as fragments co-exist or merge to form a new situation.



Joanne Lim/Letter J Supply Calligraphy
Joanne is the founder of calligraphic based art form, and owns Letter J Supply. Letter
J Supply believes words are powerful, and art can change atmospheres. Having words expressed through the forms of calligraphy, typography and brush lettering, they hope to release joy and a sense of purpose through our art pieces.

美しいカリグラフィー作品で知られる“Letter J Supply” Companyの設立者であり、デザイナー。“言葉はパワーを持つ”……彼女の哲学を美しい文字で綴った作品は、人の心を掴む。


Sarah Tang, Alison Schooling/Sarah and Schooling Graphic Designers
The duo behind Sarah and Schooling brought their love for reading together with their love for designing. They run a graphic design firm that works closely with many publishers, including Math Paper Press, Marshall Cavendish, NUS Press and Epigram books.

Sarah TangとAlison SchoolingによるSarah and Schoolingは、互いを読み取り、その情熱をデザインに注ぐ。グラフィックデザイン、フィルムといった彼女らの作品は、Math Paper PressやMarshall Cavendish, NUS Press, Epigram books等、多くのメジャーな出版物で取り上げられている。



NOW, SINGAPORE Vol 01.  〜MALE CREATORS〜  Asia’s top Singaporean talents.

Over the years, Singapore’s reputation as an arts hub has made a worldwide impression. Out of this vibrant arts scene, EDIT LIFE SINGAPORE has handpicked the hottest and most current artists to participate in an exhibition.